Nov 10, 2005 19:22
There's a little something that's been niggling at the back of my brain for a few months now and I finally put my finger on it this evening.
People of East Indian extraction working at fast food restaurants.
Now, I'm not even going to get started on my opinion that people from India are better educated and speak better English than people in the United States, and therefore why the hell are they working at a fast food restaurant. (O.K., actually I just did...whatever)
There is something both subtly and deeply disturbing about having a person who is most likely Hindu hand you your change, beverage and sack of dead cow.
Granted, some of these folks may be Pakistani. (Despite having had a seventh grade social studies teacher who was Pakistani and numerous coworkers over the years who were Indian, I still absolutely cannot tell the difference. Which really just means that I'm an American.)
Granted, I have no idea what kind of inroads Christianity has made into the Indian subcontinent, so some of these folks may be Christian and not Hindu.
Granted, I once had a conversation with a friend wherein we decided that going to an Indian restaurant and asking for "beef vindaloo" would be too intensly and unforgivably rude to be funny.
The fact remains that if the person working the drive through at, well, pretty much anywhere other than Kentucky Fried Bird, is wearing a nametag that says "Hello, my name is Raj", there is a pretty good chance that they are commiting an act of blasphemy at least equal to a Christian priest saying "Jesus Fucking Christ" every time they hand someone a burger.
Maybe it's ok as long as they don't actually touch the dead cow? I don't know, a scholar of Hinduism I am not. Anyone have an answer to this one?
We can't even blame it on "westernization", because of that whole, ya know, India/England thang.