some dude messaged me on myspace IM

Aug 24, 2007 12:21

buddhakriss: do i know you?
tigger52487: no
buddhakriss: word
tigger52487: just thought we could chat
buddhakriss: a dude....youre a dude
buddhakriss: so...whatcha wearin?!?!
tigger52487: why what is the proplem with to dudes chating
buddhakriss: nothing. nothing at al
tigger52487: baggy pants and a white shirt ! why
buddhakriss: it was a joke, bro
tigger52487: i am going out to texas on september 19th till the 24th
buddhakriss: what for?
tigger52487: to see family
buddhakriss: word
buddhakriss: what part?
tigger52487: dallas
tigger52487: but other wise i will just be chillin at the hotel
buddhakriss: make my dayz you dirtiz jew
tigger52487: why the fuck r u callin me a dirty jew
buddhakriss: have you not seen borat dude?
tigger52487: no
buddhakriss: ooooh
buddhakriss: well that just made no sense then
tigger52487: why
buddhakriss: did it?
tigger52487: no
tigger52487: what r u doin right no
tigger52487: now?
buddhakriss: umm
buddhakriss: talkin to some random ass dude that messaged me
buddhakriss: that and drinkin a monster
tigger52487: umm u r a doing any thing eles
buddhakriss: uh. no
buddhakriss: why
tigger52487: just asking
buddhakriss: i see.
tigger52487: whta do u do for fun out there
buddhakriss: look at porn
tigger52487: so u have no chick so you have to beat your meat / spank you monkey to have fun
buddhakriss: exactly
buddhakriss: i weigh like 600 pounds man
buddhakriss: i cant even reach it anymore
tigger52487: so u are a sick freak
buddhakriss: exactly
buddhakriss: i also smoke crack
tigger52487: any weed
buddhakriss: yeah
buddhakriss: and heroin
tigger52487: how much is it to get it were u r
buddhakriss: which one?
tigger52487: weed
buddhakriss: i have it delivered
buddhakriss: cuz i am stuck in bed all the time
buddhakriss: im too fat to get out of bed.
buddhakriss: so i just lay here doing heroin and tryin to jack off but i cant reach it
tigger52487: so how much would $20 dollars get me
buddhakriss: from me?
buddhakriss: prolly a gum job
buddhakriss: i lost most of my teeth from doin meth a few years back :-(
tigger52487: yes from u
tigger52487: how much is meth out there
buddhakriss: well, i have my care taker make it in my bathroom so its free for me
buddhakriss: when you come to houston i need to to come visit me
buddhakriss: my care taker beats me
tigger52487: very funny
buddhakriss: not when she uses the belt!
tigger52487: for what reason
buddhakriss: i fart alot
buddhakriss: and when i shit myself
buddhakriss: i cant change my own clothes
buddhakriss: and she gets mad
tigger52487: sucks to be u
buddhakriss: hang on, shes coming.....
tigger52487: have her lick your crack next time so that u can get off easier
buddhakriss: shut up...shes here!
buddhakriss: if she reads that shell beat me!
buddhakriss: shhh... just a moment...
buddhakriss: ok, shes gone
tigger52487: ok
buddhakriss: that was close
tigger52487: sorry
buddhakriss: she puts things in me sometimes....
tigger52487: like what a condom
buddhakriss: no....
buddhakriss: it all started with a pinkey
tigger52487: like what
buddhakriss: then from there it went to two finger.
buddhakriss: i need to get out of here
buddhakriss: but i cant get up to use the phone
buddhakriss: and no one will belive me
tigger52487: really
buddhakriss: yes...
tigger52487: bye
buddhakriss: where are you going?!?!?!
tigger52487: go to go
tigger52487: got to go
buddhakriss: no! wait! please HELP ME!!!
buddhakriss: hijbewfjbweo
buddhakriss: shes oiewoe beating oewdpoepd2ompedkmj meee!!!!
buddhakriss: *** B'SLAPPING! ***
tigger52487: fuck off
tigger52487: fuck off or i wiil call the cops
buddhakriss: and tell them what?
buddhakriss: i just wanted a friend :-(
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