(no subject)

Jun 30, 2005 18:30

I will eventually provide you with a long end of the year update.

If I don't... it feels fabulous to be done.

A little anti-climatic, however.

Allmacher's expression broke my heart. Let's not even talk about the hug he gave me; I'll cry.

Robert wore the laundry day suit.

And then I was done.


Jen was with me from Friday to this evening. We're a little bit gay, but mostly just exciting.

I do not feel like updating.

These past few days have been fun; I love Jen and Jordan...blah blah blah...fuck it.

I'm so...obsequious.


Grandma called Robert a "necessary perversion."

I called.

Therapy calls.

I need help.

I hope you enjoyed that, Daddy, now that you have a habit of reading this.


This summer might just be fabulous.

The limit, my darling, appears to be four days. Sustainability; by tomorrow I'll be fine.

Now, American Beauty with my gay.


Je suis contente.

I love Kristi Collard!

iEffedMarkCohen: Yes..he's a big gay and stuff
radiantrose11: well
radiantrose11: i think i realized that
radiantrose11: wait... JORDAN IS GAY?!?!?
radiantrose11: but...
radiantrose11: but..
radiantrose11: he told me he loved me!!
iEffedMarkCohen: Yes, I'm sorry Kristi, I know this ruins everything.
radiantrose11: we were gonna get married and be happy forever!!
radiantrose11: this is the worst night of my life.
radiantrose11: i cant believe this.
radiantrose11: he just... *sniff*
radiantrose11: i never saw it coming.
iEffedMarkCohen: You'll always have Scott.
radiantrose11: wellllll
radiantrose11: i guess thats true
radiantrose11: i mean, scott would never be gay...
radiantrose11: but
iEffedMarkCohen: Right.
radiantrose11: jordan was so... straight.
iEffedMarkCohen: I know
iEffedMarkCohen: He hides it well.
radiantrose11: i know.
radiantrose11: under that pink and purple sweater combo
radiantrose11: i saw him and the straight man that he was
radiantrose11: the one that loved me
radiantrose11: but now...
radiantrose11: *sigh*
radiantrose11: it was all a lie.
iEffedMarkCohen: It'll be okay.
radiantrose11: *sniff*
radiantrose11: *sob*

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