The Blue Black of a Bruise

Jul 26, 2006 18:18

at approx. 5:10pm EST, i, Buddhadave was in my forst "automobile" accident... only sadly enough... i wasnt in the automobile... i was on my bicycle.

after comming off a bike path onto a 20 foot stretch of sidewalk into a plaza parking lot (my desination) i was broadsided on my left side by an over eager Hyundi Sonata (pearl silver if you must know) the force of the impact dragged me under my bike and pushes me into the first land of oncoming rush hour traffic.

one would think a drivers first response would be one of worry for the victim, in this case me, but as my driver exitied her pearl silver beast of DOOM, she simple assailed me about how "you arent supposed to be on the side walk, my husbands a cop, etc etc etc, et. al." this all while i am attempting to disentangle myself from under my bike, which is under her car, which is in the middle of traffic.

once i DID succeffuly stand and start to shakily attempt to remove my bike from under her front bumper, she once again berated me for my seemingly utter arrogance and vileness for DARING to climb my way under her car.

finally able to "assure her" i was indeed mostly unharmed, no broken limbs, missing organs or profuse bleeding, i extracted my bicycle from under her car. my once beauiful silver rocketship *smirks* was not a mostly twisted mangled mess of chromoly tubing and rubber.

seeing this i made a still shaky but polite attempt to obtain her information, etc for insurance purposes and the like, already wallet in hand vocalizing my willingness to exchange information.

alas but she simply responded with a "insurance wont do anything for that" and sped off back onto the road.

well i guess in her attempt to flee she forgot to concider 2 important items:

1) you cant speed away from the scene of an accident in rush hour traffic... at least not without breaking a few MORE laws

2) her amazingly simple vanity plate which i was able to commit to memory the 5 minutes i was trapped under that front section of her car!

without further delay i punched the digets 9-1-1 into my brand spanking new cell phone, assuring the operator i was not at deaths door and did not think i needed an ambulence, i obtained the assistance of a officer of the law (approx 20 minutes later at least) to assist me.

now i am simply waiting for said officer of the law to visit my humble home and provide me with my copy of the accident report, and then i will be heading to ye ol' hospital to get my injuries checked out. i have a cut and wide bruise on my lower leg where i was hit then across my chest/sternum, i have a long bruise and series of cuts and scraps where i was jammed against my handle bars when i was jammed between the car and my bike. i do not think the injuries are bad and im sure i will be fine, i have taken worse hits in martial arts classes but if i DO take this to civil court i want to not be caught out on something as simple as not bothering to seek medical attention

more to follow when i return from my medical adventure
painfully yours
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