He's Feeling Better...

May 23, 2010 19:45

Definitely feeling a wee bit spry. We have a barricade of file boxes with pillows on top making the wall keeping Kal inside the living room and on carpet and off hardwood abort 2ft tall maybe a little more. Well, after we had an early supper tonight he decided he wanted to go outside while Jim and I were cleaning up the kitchen. About the time I said "just a minute" he just Leaped right over the barricade and proceeded to the patio doors just like he hadn't a care in the world. To his defense, he had to go out really bad. We've had very good success in the BM department today. Believe me when I say things are getting back to normal.

He was so active earlier I had to give him a sedative just to quiet him down. He kept wanting to climb up on the sofa and chairs with us, not a good thing. Of course, now he's been asleep since about 5pm so He's gonna be hard to get to bed for the night. It's a good thing Jim has been asleep on the couch since around the same time... they can keep each other company till they're both ready for bed. Me, I'm gonna hit the sack early.

He's also been really good mannered today. We decided to put his muzzle on when I clean up his behind... seems Jim wasn't any fonder of his end of the assignment than I was. The muzzle worked quite well and he seems to be realizing that we aren't 'inserting' anything just doing a little clean up for him. No other growling or snapping has occurred since the previous nights nip. He did leave the pointer finger on my left hand nicely bruised but no blood was shed. Hopefully we're past that stage now.

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