Jan 24, 2005 12:05
I am not sure if I have lived a life that has been worth living. But I do believe I have had as good a time as anyone could have under the circumstance.I have to thank my mother of course. She was an absolute loony bird, but the best person I have ever known in my life. I have to thank my brothers for making me feel as if I was a regrettable mistake. Without their constant nay saying I would have not tried so hard to make them eat the very words out of there mouths. I have to thank one more person. That would be my friend Jay. He is one of only two people that I have truly liked. I have very little regret. I tried not to have any. I do not believe I have had the most out of this quite short life. I have done most of what I have always wanted to do and the rest will just have to wait....well, I will just leave it for someone else.
Thanks to everyone for making it interesting. Don't think of it as me being dead, think of it it as me being very bored and since I have done all I can do with the living, being dead has a great advantage...no more telephones.
Good Bye.