Oct 31, 2003 11:52
I was going to some shopping center area one evening and had to park out in bum fuck egypt, because nearly all the spaces that were closer to the front were for fucking handy capped drivers!! So this begs the question: "If you can drive a fucking car, why in the hell do you need a special space ?" I am sorry, but I can not see how a group of individuals are alotted such a privilage. If you have the capacity to drive a two ton vehicle, then you have the ability to walk the twenty or so yards to get your gimp ass to the front!! And if you are being driven around the the person driving the vehicle can just roll your ass to the front after they park!! I mean it has gone too far, when I was driven a semi, I pulled into a fuel station, abd guess what I saw? It was six handicapped spots for semi drivers!! What the fuck is that all about?!! Ya' gatta' be kidding me!! If you are hauling around eighty-five thousand pounds and you are able to shift through fourteen gears while talking on a CB and typing a message on the qualcom, then you certainly don't need a space for your rig!! The only good thing about that was the spaces were empty. Because no self respecting trucker would even think about using that bullshit. My mother had inoperable cancer in her spine and breast. The folks at the hospital sighned her up for one of those little blue placards(without her knowledge or consent). When it came in the mail(special post). She was very offended and through it away. Sure it was difficult for her to walk any long distance, but she refused to treated any diffrent because she was slightly incapasitated. This is the problem with all these fucking whiny ass pussy groups. They all want special privelages because they feel they deserve them. Why? Why should you be treated any better than someone who is not in a wheelchair? Of all the bathrooms I have been in, I have never seen a "handicapped" individual actually use the "special" stall made just for them. Every one else uses it, because it has alot of space. I mean every one can't just claim that they are treated bad because they are in particular class. Then want special treatment because of it. What happens when ugly people start asking for special rights just because no one can bare to look at them?