Oct 08, 2005 02:42
Hey all! I'm back home for fall break, which consists of now until monday afternoon.
I just realized that I'm not recieving any messages sent to brandong@nesbeonline.com... don't ask me why, but it isn't going through to my laptop for some reason. Maybe because I have it connected to my college address. Who knows. In any case, it seems that I'll only get messages sent to bgrigsby@vt.edu from now on while I'm at college.
This being the case, I missed a few emails. Unfortunately, my email here is riddled with junkmail, so sorting through all of it becomes quite challenging when 161 emails pop up all claiming to be from someone I know. I caught Laura's and Daniel's, along with a lot of livejournal alerts, but I may have missed a few more. If I did, sorry, you might have to send it again. If you want to be positive that I get something, send it to bgrigsby@vt.edu as well as comment on my most recent journal update. That way I'll be sure to see some form of it.
To Laura's email: Check to see if the address you had matches the ones I wrote up there ^. If they still don't work, make sure to comment or else I'll have even more email problems that I don't know about. And no, you weren't pestering me by writing to me; as you might have gathered, I didn't reply to the email because I didn't exactly get it. Sorry it took a month to respond though.
Daniel: well your camping trip appears to be canceled by the looks of your recent entry. Not that I could go anyway, but I think I told you that in person at Tech.
So now, who's in town??? Everyone comment so I can get a good headcount. I feel a party coming on. Maybe. Might even visit a college or two if needbe. Probly not, but who knows.
Oh, that's another problem with the email thing. I don't get alerts to when people respond, so if you want a response from me, you may have to email me after a while.
Someone with a digital camera needs to take my picture so that I can get a face onto Facebook. I'd really like to put that picture of me with spiked hair on there, but scanning my photo would look stupid, and I dunno whether Courtney had a digital copy or not. Get back to me on that one Court. If worse comes to worse, my hair can always be glued again.
Speaking of glue, one of my fellow arch classmates put a shitload of elmers glue in his hair and made a perfect mohawk. You could literally bash the thing with a steel ruler and his head would move before the hair would. I told him that next time he needed to put a 90* bend in it halfway up. I thought that'd look wicked awesome. But god... his hair felt like beef jerkey.
On that note, I'm gonna quit typing. I'm making far too much noise at 3 in the morning; I'm really not used to this huge keyboard anymore.