Aug 04, 2003 12:33
Okay, here's the deal.
I'm taking this year off school to pay off my loans, correct? Well, I finally went through my exit counseling for the Federal Loan that I had, and I had made a big mistake when calculating everything.
I have just under $3000 left to pay on my other independent loan (which also has been accruing interest and is still doing so, though less and less each time I pay off a chunk). I thought that my Federal loan was for $1500.
It's for $3500.
I'm working at a barely-above-minimum wage job, with an unpredictable schedule, in an area where jobs are hard to come by anyway. So, finding a second job is out of the question. However, I don't think I'll be able to pay off $6500 by the time I go to school next. (Which was supposed to be Fall 2004).
$6500 is a lot of money. Take into account that I will also have a few birthdays, Christmas, and a maid-of-honor skirt, top, shoes, and accompanying accessories to pay for as well. So all of that will be probably at least $3-400 dollars.
I don't know what to do. I don't have a solution to this one yet. I thought with only having another $1500 I could have everything paid off by April or so, and then save enough in the next couple of months to take a vacation and travel somewhere (to which Ashley's mom said, horrified, "Alone!?" lol)
I guess I'm asking for suggestions, but please, if this is just the obvious statement of "You probably won't be able to ____, maybe you could ask so-and-so for _____", etc etc... Don't even bother. I will have to re-think what I was planning and just go from there. Lord.