Oct 09, 2004 15:31
I wanna dye my hair! John Keena dyed his hair! it's super black!!! claire wants to die her hair reddish but we're gonna wait to crucible to avert from the wrath of hell aka. verdi..
10 things you should never do in your life:
1. ever do drugs(that is moderately i suppose)
2. Moon people cuz youe azz is hairy and ugly.
3. Eat fried twinkies
4. Kill someone you love(or in general suppose)
5. Don't wear your own band shirt
6. Burn down your friends house
7. Pretend you are gay for attention and groping of girls)\\
8. Sneeze w/ covering your mouth
9. Clean your friends house at a party
10.Be strainght-edge (well thats claire's idea)