Okay, here in no particular order other than stream of consciousness are the rules for Dog/Fight as they came to me in my semi-conscious state. First is the character sheet, since that's kinda what came to me first... then the rules. Note, though, that anything underlined is either something that contradicted something else in the rules (remember
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Q - If you're accumulating GB/BD points, and you flip your die, what if the lower point pool is the same number as the new lower die? Do you flip right back?
A - Hmmm... maybe every time you flip, you lose all your points? Jason suggested both get halved. What I don't want is constant flipping. Need to work/playtest this one...
Q - Does the GM get his traits after the dice hit the table?
A - No. He's gotta pay for the traits before the dice get rolled. So, clearly, the GM is gonna have a point pool to draw from.
Q - Can other players force you to flip by giving you fanmail?
A - No. You can always refuse fanmail, but every time you do, that point goes to the GM. This is a placeholder rule for now, it may or may not work in play...
Q - What happens when you're out or feral? Is it game over, man?
A - The game isn't over, unless you choose to let your character die/go feral/go out of the game in some way. If you do choose to do this, you get one last scene with a D12 in your maxed out trait (i.e. Feral = D12 Fight, Out = D12 Dog), which only matters thematically, as you only roll the one die.
If you don't want to go out in blaze of glory, then you must buy back to a D4 in the appropriate characteristic by sacrificing a person/pack member, or losing some other good trait, or by gaining a bad trait (maybe losing a die of of one of your goals?). The cost idea is good, but I need to work out what, exactly, it costs...
Okay, that's good for now. I think there were some more, but I'll be cogitating on those for a bit!
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