Jul 11, 2006 14:14
I'm never taking an online class again. I emailed that teacher and told him how I was concerned my hard work wasn't paying off and that I wasn't gonna get an A - and he's like, sure, you'll get a BORDERLINE A as long as you get 86% on the rest of your tests. So I'm like, frikkin sweet, that doesn't put any pressure on me at all because the last two tests I've only scored an 84% and an 88%. I can study for a damn week, take 3 pages of notes and still not get an A on an OPEN BOOK test. I must be really retarded.
Anyway - this weekend was a lot of fun. We did some crazy stuff and it was good to see Jennifer and Sarah getting along. Haha, they even slept in the same bed which surprised the poo out of me. I dunno if I can even portray the peril we were in climbing down that cliff in the complete dark, and completely drunk. We pretty much slid down the whole way on our butts and then climbed back up on our hands and knees. We got back and climbed in the shower together since we were soaking wet and covered in dirt. Then we did the slip and silde thing. Oh yeah, we played Pin the Tail on the Donkey too. That was frikkin hilarious cause even the boys did it. We didn't have any tape though so we had to use frosting. ooooh, good times.
Today I was supposed to go in to prestonsburg early to go work on the cut thru review but Mary had a meeting so I'm up earlier than I wanted to be, but oh well. I should clean the house or something... I'm such a lazy bum. Night class later tonight - yay!
my guilty pleasure music lately has been that Where'd you go song by Fort Knox? I think. and Over my head, by the fray.
eh, I guess that's it.