Not at all related to Doctor Who. (One of Eleven's lies.)

Nov 23, 2013 21:33

Call the Midwife + Doctor Who = <3 I love you, Comic Relief silliness...

The Doctor Who Google Doodle: 21:41. I died so many times. That Angel is evil. And that last board... Though I actually did better on that one once I gave up and stopped trying. The earlier levels are easy enough, though. And so cute.

-While I was very fond of it, it probably would have worked better if they hadn't aired "The End of Time" immediately after; it triggered the Fridge Logic realization that Gallifrey about to burn led to the Doctor's last regeneration, and is therefore harder to handwave than the rest. Though, if they had enough warning about the burning, I suppose having enough warning about the stasis thingy isn't that much of a stretch? Maybe? (Also, they never once mentioned The Megalomaniac's attempt to end the universe, which was allegedly half the reason for the burning in the first place.)

-The Curator was the Doctor's name in Summer Falls, aka the book of dubious quality allegedly written by Amelia Williams. (On the other hand, it's cheap, so I don't actually regret buying it. And if you imagine the book as Amy's way of waving to the Doctor, it's still adorable...and it has the kind of badness I remember from a lot of books I read when I was a kid, i.e. badness that I didn't notice when I was a kid. Nevermind. Tangent.)

-Was that an insult to Peter Capaldi's nose at the end there?

-I think it should have been a bit longer. It did the job, but a lot of it didn't have the emotional impact it really should have. Would it have killed them to go past an hour and twenty?

And now I feel like Eeyore. I did like it a lot! It's just that my squee list would be long and inarticulate and I'm having trouble typing as it is.


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