First fic I've written since April, and longest I've written since February. Sheesh.
Oracle. Firefly, 1090 words, Gen, PG, etc.
I'm so happy. You have no idea.
I'm hoping to get back to my zombie fic of DOOM next week. You know, the one that was due a year and a half ago? The one I've written like 13,000 words of so far, but with no end in sight? But I will finish it, dammit.
Also, I made yummy random food. I had sauteed onions and zucchini leftover from the quiche, and leftover parmesan, too, so I threw them together with some pasta and some butter. YUM.
And thanks to the pasta, my brain is more or less working for the moment. WIN!
But now I have to get back to work preparing for my job interview. Boo-hiss. And yay at the same time. I'm conflicted.
ETA: I forgot to babble about all the silliness that went into that fic. I was going way overboard on the tarot research and obsessing like crazy and generally not accomplishing much. Then it finally occurred to me to just pick the stupid cards randomly and go with whatever I got, which made things easier for me and made infinitely more sense anyway. So that's what I did. Though I did pick six cards and only used four of them, so I'd have a little wiggle room. In summation, it was kinda fun...though I sorta hope I never need to do tarot in fic again.