feeling fanny tonight

Jan 05, 2010 21:58


Fandom Meme 2009 (being described as things I watched for the first time this year)

Ten Favourite Characters of the Year:

1. Captain Jack Harkness(Doctor Who/Torchwood)
2. Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars)
3. Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
4. Roger Sterling (MadMen)
5. Topher Brink (Dollhouse)

6. Lawrence Dominic (Dollhouse)
7. Deborah Morgan (Dexter)
8. The Doctor (Doctor Who)
9. Eric Northman (TruBlood)
10. Lafayette Reynolds (TruBlood)

Five Favourite Pairings of the Year (Canon or crack, romantic or not, doesn't matter):
oh god this is gonna be hard.

1. Victor/Sierra (Dollhouse)
2. Jack/Martha (Doctor Who)
3. Alpha/echo (dollhouse)
4. Dick/veronica (veronica mars)
5. Doctor/master (doctor who)

Three Favourite TV shows of the Year:
1. Doctor Who
2. TruBlood
3. Dollhouse

Your favourite LJ community of the year:

whedonland! It makes me happy.

First Fandom of the year:

um..probably Buffy. I wasn’t really a part of fandom before this year so I only did fandom esk things towards Buffyesk things.

Your best new fandom discovery of the year:

Doctor Who. It’s so very amazing.

Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year:

all the wank in the Who fandom. I love ALL the companions. =[

Your biggest squee moment of the year:


Favourite main character of the year: That is the hardest question so far.

I think that would have to be Veronica Mars. She is an amazing female character. I appreciate that she is very strong but she has her weak moments. She’s incredibly girl power yet still a softy at heart.

Favourite villain of the year:

Either the Master or Alpha. They are both insane in the membrane. They both make me incredibly happy. =]

Favourite het couple of the year: excluding my top ten.

Mickey/Jackie. I know it’s a little weird cause of the age and him being in love with her daught and everything. But after watching the season four finale I totally see it.

Favourite femslash couple of the year:
I feel the Adelle/Echo actually. I got a thing for the love/hate.

Favourite slash couple of the year:
Eric/Jason. I know there’s like no evidence. But I am convinced Eric is gay and I think they belong together.

Fandom that you never expected to get into:
TruBlood. At first I thought it was just a big joke. But I really like it a lot.

Fandom that made an unexpected comeback:
Firefly. I always forget how much I love it until I watch it again. <3 Mal FTW forever.

Fandom that inspired the most crack:
Lackadaisy Cats. I check every day to see if it’s been updated even though she only updates once a month.

Last fandom of the year:
Doctor Who FTW

Overall favourite fandoms of the year:
Veronica Mars cause I get to see it with Ruth. =]

Your main fandom of the year:
Gotta say Buffy. I watched the first three seasons again and it reminded me of so much.

The most missed of your old fandoms:
Criminal Minds. I miss it a lot =[

Predictions for next year:
The LOST finale will be hella epic and jack and sawyer will finally admit their love for one another. TruBlood season three is gonna be amazing. =] The Dollhouse finale will knock my socks off. The eleventh doctor will earn a spot in my heart just as nine and ten have.


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