Monday 9-19

Sep 20, 2005 00:07

Whoa haven't updated this in forever!! Lets see last week was okay, no homework really, didn't do to much. Tuesday had off-ice which sucked cuz it was the first one, Thursday had hockey again, but it was on-ice so it was fun! Friday saw baker cuz he came back! Then Brigette and Clara wanted to go to the football game. So drive there and its not at there high school, so got lost looking for it. Finally found it and the game was just about over. So dropped them off and was on my way to meet up with Jamie and see Kaylin cuz shes sick, was making the MI turn by meijer, but there was a big line so I was waiting and some drunk lady hit the car behind me at about 60. He rear ended me and so the whole trunk is smashed. Saturday got up and worked, then took a nap. After that hung out with Jess for like an hour. Brought Kalie to Meijer and went home. Sunday went to church, watched the Lions get smoked. AFter that played poker with Bakes, Grimes, and Neitring. Today my mom let me sleep in til like 10 and after that got x-rays on my neck and got my neck realigned. Went back to school for last 3 hours. Went home and slept! Then I had off-ice ta 6. Grimes forgot my shorts so didn't have to run like 1st 20 minutes. Played football and Jamie and me tore it up lol.

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