hmm now what did i do today? made my contact sheet in photo and it came out like shit and ms. maio was actually nice to me.
in art i painted some bricks on some thing that we're doing for the elementary school and then ate cookies...because i was hungry
in gym i got squished inbetween tim and brendon...two jocks squishing little old me just to make a play in football....but i felt useful for once.
in chem i just copied down answers for something that's due tomorrow...we're taking a test tomorrow and i know i will fail with pride
creative writing we talked about memories...i hate mr castagna hes so fucking annoying
english i got my seat changed because i was talking to katie. oh but katie can stay wherever the fuck she wants and do whatever the fuck she wants, but i get in trouble...fuck i even get in trouble for the things katie does...damn landrover. and then i was suppossed to be writing an essay which i didn't me fail that class.
lunch was lunch i ate some chips and a choco taco which i couldn't finish
ss i did nothing but walk around the library like a retard and chat it up with kristen.
then math...i have no clue what the hell we are even doing...we're back to the reason why i failed last year...oh god if i have to take math b1 over again, i'll shoot myself
then jessiker gehoe came back to my hizzle and i was screaming like a maniac for no apparent reason. we chatted it up with her boyfriend for a bit then i typed up an rp post and we ate some food and read some of a book that was absolutely retarded. then me and rachel drew pictures on paint and sent them back and forth to each other. i <3 this girl...she's great. lol. i laughed my ass off for about an hour straight. we really are insane and i love it. library tomorrow...because we cool kids hang there on wed. come chill with the crew of losers if you'd like...we do nothing except...well...nothing.
oh man i'm in such an amazing mood and i thank all who made it this way.
<- rachel's artwork on paint. LMFAO I love this one!