blah blah was boring.
woke up at ten and went on the computer and ate some chips and mashed potatoes lol.
cut out my gay sweet sixteen invitations. i was going to personalize all of them to fit like inside jokes or what reminds me of the person and i got up to like thirty and then was like 'fuck this' and just took a whole bunch of pictures and crammed them onto the pants. hah i do love the pants though. the invitations are like pajama pants that you unbutton on the ass...yea great and where you unbutton them and the ass is suppossed to all the information. so gay...i love it.
then i went on the computer again and my dad stopped by and showed me the guitar he's getting me for my birthday. cool cool.
then i cleaned whoopdedoo for me. i hurt myself because i scraped my back on the pool table which sucked. and my hands smell like bleach. yumm.
im so fucking bored.
moms suppossed to be taking me out later to get the stuff to finish the invitations so i can hand them out tomorrow. yea whatever.
i drew a picture today. it started out as a gay little doodle, but then i actually made it look somewhat decent.
and im going to do this thing on my computer to color it in..which should take me days but hey i've got a lot of free time.