Mar 17, 2009 15:57
Until then...
just because you paid $25 to get in, doesn't mean you don't have to follow the rules. Threatening me, well, that will get you thrown out. Threatening me in front of your jackass son (who learned it from you, dad) is like doing donuts on the lawn of my temper. It might come out of its house and hurt you.
It's almost always a Pot-and-Kettle situation. The people who are loud and interrupting the show, call me rude for asking them to be quiet.
why i'd like the forum, to see who else has sobriety/violence issues. 7 years sober, no fights, no violence. There always seems to be another way to solve/avoid things rather than slapping the shit out of someone. The closest I've come to drinking is during times of anger. Not depression, or party mode, but anger. Like coffee and cigarettes, are drinking and self-righteous indignation.
not the part of me i like, but it's in there.