AIM: xnecronomical
Txt: Contact me ahead of time for my cell number, but if requested, I don't mind discussing things over text message.
nekky I'm generally always on AIM, so that's probably the best way to try and contact me, but I will do other messengers if requested through PM or whatever.
Slash: With buildup, yes. Although expect Bucky to be a bit leery of man on man stuff, he grew up in the 30s and 40s.
Hetero: With buildup, yes. He likes redheads. :D
Femmeslash: Technically impossible, but if Bucky ever becomes a girl for some reason, sure.
Rating: Anywhere from G - NC17.
Smut?: With buildup or a valid reason (or if I'm posting on a meme), hell to the yes.
Death: Discuss beforehand, please. I'm not adverse, I just want it to be planned out.
Damage to the bionic arm: Please ask me first, but generally... Dents and dings, sure. Anything that can be fixed, sure. Completely demolishing it into a pile of scrap metal on his shoulder? NO. FULLSTOP NO.
Precog / Telling his future: No. Unless I've explicitly given permission for a plot, this will ALWAYS BE NO.
Telepathy / Reading his mind: Go ahead if you want. If he finds out you're doing it, he'll freak the fuck out though.
Injuries: Just ask me first. Seriously I'm chill with him getting hurt. But for unplanned / spontaneous fights for which you don't plan to contact me OOC: no broken bones without permission, no life-threatening injuries without permission, absolutely no cutting off limbs or poking out eyes, etc.
NOTE: Bucky grew up in a different time. Because of this, he sometimes slips up and isn't always the most politically correct person.
Backtagging: Yes, always! If I don't respond to a thread that you want to continue, please do drop me a note and tell me! LJ is sometimes stupid on notifs and I usually have a lot of threads going at once.
Threadhopping: If the situation calls for it, yes!
Fourth-walling: Uhm. Please ask me first. He's paranoid as hell and any "LOL you're a comic book character, I read your comics" will freak. Him. The. Fuck. Out.
Offensive Subjects: I'm fairly difficult to offend. However, if you want to bring up a generally sensitive topic of some sort, just ask me first.