Jan 10, 2011 05:09
This is going to be a Rough January. Work is talking about cutting hours back to 32 hours a week for a few months. What's bad is that I'm already living paycheck to paycheck. So it's going to be a bit hard digging up the spare cash for some new shoes and an oil change. I'm just hoping that I can earn some extra cash cutting trees.
I will admit that lately I feel burned out. I really need to take a vacation away from here. Out of state to tell the truth.
The other day I talked to someone whom I haven't talked to in years. He kind of poked fun at me because I still worked for Walmart, and I asked, where you work again? Oh, you don't, you're 30+ have no car, and you still live with mom. It's a job, and right now without moving, if I went any place else, I would be taking a major pay cut. I'm hoping that things will eventually will get better.
Well break is over, doing this from my rah-rah phone is a pain in the butt.