its the last quarter i need to make it through.....

Mar 28, 2005 19:44

Its the last quarter and my creative juices have been all squeezed out! There isnt much left to me i am wearing down that is where help from all you fine people comes in to play. i have two things i need to figure out, number one what can i do for a demonstration speech i need as many as ya'll can think of so leave me a long list! number two i need to do a soft sculpture for 3-D studies i need to take something hard and make it soft and bigger than it normally is. so yes roll me some ideas i would LOVE some. This spring quarter is crazy compared to last spring quarter where i slacked off, basically took the quater off, i took only one class and it was like a 6 to 8 class or somethink i dunno i got an A in it but i rarely went or studied or anything, most of last quarter was spent wasting my time spending all my time with Funnel since he was out of school already and doing hanging out with friends, no working, skipping class to get things pierced with funnel and lisa nd all around just a waste of time. This quarter is going to stink, i am taking FINNALY public speaking, advanced ceramics 2, 3-D, and managerial accounting. poopy as well as working mon, wed, thur, fri, and saturday nights....leaving me really only friday afternoons as free time, since i'll be probably sleeping saturday afternoons and sunday afternoons till its time for church, this quarter is a bust. but its kewl as soon as school is out tyler and i are flying down to Alabama so i can meet his family, and even better it will be free cause we'll be flying airnet...yay for flying for free benifits!
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