(no subject)

May 10, 2005 17:37

damn it, my flipping computer froze and i have to type this all over again..

first i'd like to point out that this is a public post. i posted this public because i want everyone to see it. now for the blabbling to begin.

some of you know, some of you don't. for the select few who are mad at me, i'd like you to read this. you don't have to, i'm just posting this to get it off my chest. i'm not asking for you to forgive me either, and this is not going to break me if you don't. i still honestly don't know exactly why you would be mad, but i guess you are. this whole situation is bull shit and i don't get half of what happened, not to mention it is the stupidest reason to be mad at someone. i didn't even know about all this until someone imed me saying "omg i didn't mean to make you cry". i was confused because i didn't get any of her previous ims saying about what i showed at the horse show. i guess she just assumed that i did whatever she assumed at the show, and without thinking she was talking about it with a few people. i love how it became that "i cried because of it" or like "how i lied about what i really showed in". no that wasn't the case. if i cried over something that stupid, something i didn't even know exsisted, that would be stupid.

i applaud you, how you can walk around without a care.. knowing you dropped me. thank you so much for always being there. wow, i love it. and yes, i am being sarcastic.

my original was better.
whatever, i honestly don't care.
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