Sep 13, 2010 14:11
Found this list. A busy day in december
Monday: check balance
pay some bills
check email for unlock code
find a nearby sim seller near baumax
email: angelo, johannes re: recipt, mitch re: schedule juicer.
bring trumpet and computer both!
go to baumax
take supplies back to octo
call mitch
assemble fairy at metalab
build crucifix at octo
cafe concierto at 8pm
call johannes? some guests?
saturn: phone cable, sim card
baumax: return dimmer, luann, plumbing or pump, pipe, small nails, wall anchors
take fairy to metalab
yellow paint
jew world for wine
slim arrives 10pm Dec2
call angelo
pay bills!!!
see: 1st, castle, cemetary,
celest jazz club- free jazz monday