Jun 05, 2011 20:59
[ The Dreamberry feed clicks on, the screen broadcasting from a titled position in the grass. Clearly, the user of this device isn't all that organized. Or she just doesn't know how to properly treat her technology.
A pony comes into view of the broadcast, carrying a variety of items, all of which for building. Finally Applejack starts speaking to the device. But she does not stop moving her items around, flipping through a book she'd received from Twilight. ]
Howdy everypony! An....er, humans an other critters. Applejack here again, an I'm buildin' myself a barn of my own until this whole dream world business gets sorted out. Applebloom, Imma need your help, Sugar.
Anypony else that knows how t' build, plant seeds, trees, and the likes can come an help if they like. A helpful share of the best apples you ever tasted 'll be in the mix if ya do!
(what): video post,
(where): somarium