Yeah, so you haven't seen Robert in a while? Well there we are a year ago. I'll get one more recent, and for me as well. I got a hair job, and ear job :P
That's us 5 doing our hair: Adam (guy there), Jess (girl to left), and Emily (to right)
Jess was awesome! She didn't get to do much Cuz her parents were being jerks and not letting her.
Adam's final result. His hair is a bit frizzy from being blow-dryed. He looked/looks...bad with combed hair. Much better like that, so You're lucky Adam!
Kelse and Em, both haveing wild! While my brother and friends are there!... Emily! (:P)
Kelsey (left) and I (right) half asleep, Em and Jess are gone. I hate my pictures, and I was so tired in this that I didn't bother looking good ^_^. It's a bad picture of me, and trust me, there are better!
Hair is up from drying, look and feel real tired (12:00 or so?), and needed to shave.
Well We went ice skating today for just about 4 hours! ARGH! My feet still hurt and I feel like i am floating whenI sit down.
We got Alyson to come with us! She's so cool! and Jenny, Lauren, Matt luri (who never leaves his house!), Adam, Jess, Kelsey, Emily, Andrew mickens, and Joey!(Kelsey's Bf) who's really cool. So all together it was 'type' fun. Infact, it was 'type' more then 'type' fun. ;P
Went to the parlos for dinner, and I though we were big into dance dance... He is amazing! He get's his reflexes from counterstrike (terrible game), and he can see all the little arrows go up, he has obviously played it a bit too much. That's why he is in such good shape! Girrrrowl!