Giddyup, Jingle Horse, Pick up your feet. Jingle around the Clock.

Dec 23, 2004 23:44

Alrighty! To begin, you may notice something different about me... Red. Hair. It's cool, and now i feel rebellious. Ane earing, hair dye, henna. Bruce Leder asked me if I have thought about suicide....I laughed. I may have these things, but by no means are they Goth or suicidal.

So we did it. Woke up at 6 today! That's so early, and I got practically no sleep. Went to school. Stayed for french (1st period) and then Adam, Kelsey and I went out the front of the main building, said "Later" to the "hall monitor (also the lacrosse coach)". Walked out, and turned right and went to the bus stop on Bloomfield Ave. We were at the mall until 4'o'clock. We met up with Emily and stayed there for a long while, walking quite a bit. A lot more then I had hoped, but not more then I had expected. I fell asleep while waiting for Em, and a guard yelled at me for a sec, so I hear (If you have seen me sleep, you'd know how heavy a sleeper I am, and what my eyes do.) so he shoved my legs and I woke up and he yelled at me for a sec, and walked away. ^_^. Well, we had a lot of fun. Oh! going back to put this in, so we met a "bisexual" pedifle Santa. We 4 sat with him, the girls on his chair with him, and Adam and I on the ground next to him. We got a picture, but the whole time, santa was flirting with the girls, and said something like "Now this boy does not have a butt (points to Adam)" and Em says "Butt butt butt" in a weird voice, and Santa does it and starts talking about our butts! So weird! Ugh, at 3 we decided to leave, so we went outside...and it happened to be 50+ degrees today, so it was raining...turentally downpouring. We were soaked and trying to trade clothes so everyone was somewhat warm. It took a bit. Kelsey had to behind some truck things and change her shirt, so we crowded around her so no one would see her naked, and she changed 3 seconds before some old guy and his son walked by! We were waiting, soaked to nthe bone, and cold at the bus stop being loud and singing. Fun!, and on the bus, we had several misshaps. Some person dropped their stuff all over me, we were offered but refused seats by some lady, who later on the ride Emily kicked! But the lady was fun, and she was joking around with us a lot. And then Emily needed to change shirts, son she ducked down into the stairway in the back, and we all hugged her so no one could see Her naked. I think someone did, because this man was starring at the both of them (Kels and Em). Kels and I were listening to Greenday on my CD player, and Adam and Em were listening to chili Pepers on Adam's MP3 player.

When we got back, we went, soaked BTw, to the Soda Pop Shop, and hung out there until Kelsey left, and Emily's aunt gave Adam and I a ride home. Later, at 8 or 7:30 Emily and Jessica came over. By came over, I picked them up with the echo. At 9, Kelsey came over. We all dyed our hair red somewhere or another. Kelsey had the most though. It looks amazing on her, not that I dont like mine. Adam's is okay, Emily's is cool, and Jessica's was hardly noticable. I felt bad for Jess... She was not allowed to do it, but she did a small strand to see what it would look like with already semi-red hair. She did all the dying for us and washing of the hair. She wa amazing and she is getting "props" for it. So Jessica: thanks so much! you are awesome!

So tired now. Later all, and some individuals need to use AIM just a smidgen more. Later!
(Touched = Touched by santa...^_^...ew.)
Hey! Emily was making fun of me saying "LJ".... I'm so emo?! hahaha. . .
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