Hey, I'm sorry internet, the whole WOF (
World on Fire) deconstructions have basically been put on indefinite hiatus for now (
you can read them so far here) and I'm going to have to skip the Prince of Persia deconstruction this week as well.
Instead, I'm going to try and get a start on these things:
1. On the 29th, posting a budget for the student-run shop I'll be helping to run this coming year (OH GOD MATH)
2. Over the next two weeks, editing a paper I may or may not be trying to get published (OH GOD CRITICISM)
3. Over the next month, reading up for anticipated senior-thesis-that's-technically-not-a-thesis, I'm reading Letters from an American Farmer, A People's History of the United States, The Warmth of Other Suns, and Historians' Fallacies. Can you tell I'm leaning towards American Sociological History? (OH GOD RESEARCH)
4. Also for the next month, getting some general purpose reading under my belt. I never seem to be reading fiction, much to my chagrin, so I'm going to try The Musical Illusionist (by Alex Rose) which is sort of fiction masquerading as scientific analysis, which sounds kind of awesome. I'm also going to run over Che Guevara's Guerilla Warfare because I feel like it's a classic that I should just read already, mainly because I have only the vaguest idea of Guevara himself. I'm also going to read over Playing with fire, Pamela Constable's journalistic overview of modern Pakistani history. This may or may not connect into my paper. Lastly, I at least want to read the sections on the Sassanids in a randomish book I found on sale in Borders called Civilizations of Ancient Iraq. (OH GOD READING)
5. Again over the next month, I want to get more practiced with photography in preparation for hopefully being in a digital photography class. This one's actually kind of more lighthearted than the others (which are still fun, even if a bit more work too).
6. Lastly, I'd like to finish the pace-yourself Statistics course I've been anxiously restarting every three months or so. Hopefully, it will give me a bit more background that will help some in a lecture on statistics in social sciences that I want to take this coming Spring. (OH GOD BASICALLY MATH AGAIN)
Ready, set, go!