Sep 27, 2006 13:25
This is just my to-do list for the day... trying to keep myself sane and organized! Feel free to ignore it!
quit job at pesto
email jessica rodriguez RE: big brothers big sisters
call mrs. henn re: BBBS reference form
make iowa flyer
make copies of iowa flyer
get flyers approved by university housing
call raising cane's RE: food for iowa party (awaiting call back)
fax SERS background disclosure
buy book for art of japan class
HistArt 582 homework:
-varley pg. 12-47
-mason pg. 57-99
SP561H homework:
-lee capitulo 1
-lee capitulo 2
-examenes de capitulo 2 (5 preguntas, incluyendo #1)
-lee resumen de capitulo 3
SP565H homework:
-lee popul vuh pg. 77-198
-comentar preguntas del popol vuh (#5-13)
-lee articulo de schele & friedel
-lee memoria mexicana p. 40-99
-lee articulo por de la garza
study for LSAT
wash dishes
start some laundry