I've been pondering this web comic thing for a while, and I think I'm going to try to do it. I drew up some of my concept designs this past month, and just finished coloring them. These three are the first finished ones. I'll post the others as they're finished up, and then once they're all done, I'll see about starting up the first issue of my comic. The theme isn't really that much different from the RPG forum of Pax Machina: Manifest Destiny, so if you're familiar with that then you know all the players. If you're not familiar with the theme, then to basically sum it up, it's weird west with heavy steam punk and splatterpunk added in for fun. The cultures and countries are not from the real world, so that takes a bit more explaining, which I'm not really interested in doing atm. MAYBE LATER. Aight, here are the scans:
This is Dieter, he's one of my old characters. He's a happy drunk who captains an airship. He's older than he looks, due to genetic manipulation by Bren to make him the perfect Relic Technology Pilot. He's also a nobleman who writes poetry and knows how to fence.
This is Nisha, Dieter's son. Yes, he's male. If you know farscape, he acts a lot like Chianna. If you're not familiar with farscape then I'll just say that he's a ho.
Ninefold. Criminal, Lawgiver, and Wendigo. He's not a bad guy, when properly controlled by a domineering psychic. No, but really, he'd probably eat you alive for telling him how Vegas his formal attire here looks. His street clothes are the next drawing I'll work on, probably. Either that or Katinka, my very own character. She's the Legato here.