Feb 17, 2004 22:11
A Bso Lutn Un: i want to put a picture of me on this thing
A Bso Lutn Un: ooh i got it
A Bso Lutn Un: it wont let me DO it!
YourDrinkingHero: you are a mess!
A Bso Lutn Un: fuck the live journal
A Bso Lutn Un: i end with one post
YourDrinkingHero: it was a good run
A Bso Lutn Un: i tried
A Bso Lutn Un: mine is 101x102
A Bso Lutn Un: fucking tard
YourDrinkingHero: so reduce it
A Bso Lutn Un: wait
A Bso Lutn Un: maybe it worked now
A Bso Lutn Un: but it isn't showing up
A Bso Lutn Un: wait!
A Bso Lutn Un: fuck@
A Bso Lutn Un: there i am
A Bso Lutn Un: great
YourDrinkingHero: hahahah
A Bso Lutn Un: maybe i will do a 2nd entry some day
YourDrinkingHero: whoa
YourDrinkingHero: you should
A Bso Lutn Un: i was sleeping standing up
YourDrinkingHero: that's a sexy pic
A Bso Lutn Un: :-*
A Bso Lutn Un: (i know)