Happy New Year, LJ!

Jan 03, 2011 10:57

Happy new year! I am pleased to announce that I demolished my weight loss goal for 2010. I lost 32-33 pounds (depending on what I eat before I weigh myself, haha). My new goal for this year is to lose a bit more (no set goal as I am now in my healthy weight range) and tone up what I have left. I would like slimmer arms and thighs and a flatter stomach. So now that the weight loss part is over, it's time for the exercise phase!

For New Years Eve, Mitch made double decker tacos and we went to bed early. Then I watched the Twilight Zone marathon all the next day. We had pizza and beer for dinner and continued to watch the marathon. It was just what I wanted.

2010 was a great year and I'm sorry to see it go but I have a feeling 2011 is going to bring even better things. In July hopefully we'll find a cute bungalow apartment to rent in an awesome area. And of course we'll have our little Elliot-boogle with us.

Unfortunately since the last time I wrote in my journal, my Uncle Bubba passed away. He had been sick for awhile and wasn't expected to make it to Christmas. Luckily, he made it to Christmas and passed on the 28th. My parents went down for the funeral but I was unable to take off from work. It will be weird going down in April for Callie's wedding and be missing both he and Grandpa. My dad told me that he is buried very near to Grandpa and Uncle Bill though which made me happy to hear.

On a happier note, here are some text messages so I can clear out my inbox. I've been keeping them for way too long...

Mom cell:  Hahahaha...and Phyllis uslurped his power
Mitch:  good morning my little pickle
Mitch:  hi i love you and your arms and thighs and face
Mom cell:  You go girl!  Yummy Thai food.  You are going to inspire me to do better.
Chris Martz:  Tell Jon Happy Father's Day from Larry Wayne
Mom cell:  He has wartee.
Mom cell:  Wow!  Great job...We're proud of you!!
Mitch: i love you berry much and i want to jig at our wedding while buzzed
Dad cell:  Just picked up my phone for the first time.  don't know any other lines from shaun of the dead...but you could buy a lot of mums
Dad cell:  MVP!  (about Brian McCann)
Mitch:  i hope you have a good day beautiful-pie :)
Mitch:  i love you too bunnykins
Mitch:  i'm eating vegetable sushi because i love you :)

I hope that worked.  Probably not but I tried!
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