Mar 02, 2003 18:57
poor journal, i've abandoned you for so long... Let's see, in the great events of shannon land, nothing much has happened. I was out of commission for most of last week to some evil horrible cold thing, but that's finally going away now. It was pretty bad though, wednesday night i had a fever, thursday was mostly runny nose and feeling fatigued. Joe got here Thursday night to try and make me feel better. He brought me lemon tea and cough drops :) Friday and Saturday I was still coughing up my lungs and having my nose go between totally stuffy and totally runny. All in all, i was a mess and i pity the fact that Joe had to see it. I finally started to feel better today, and of course Joe had to leave :/. So now it'll be three weeks until I get to see him again, but then i'll be home for spring break and i think we're going on a weekend trip. I think we've decided on Busch Gardens, now we just have to find a hotel down there. I need to hurry up and get my application and references filled out for the internship position so that I can try to go for an interview while i'm home for spring break too. I'm still kind of scared of that whole prospect, but more scared that i won't get it and then i'll have no clue where to go b/c i haven't really looked for anything else. I wish i could get motivation to figure all of this stuff out. Anyways, I guess i'll go work on that now. It would be fine if i wasn't such a perfectionist about applications. I always worry about having the PERFECT response to things. Let's hope that goes well