the only thing to do when you have a migraine is a tedious survey....

Mar 22, 2006 16:27

Have you ever..?
[x] Given a hickey
[x] Danced around in your underwear
[x] Gone to summer camp
[x] Sang into your hairbrush
[ ] Refused to listen to a teacher
[x] Cried in public
[ ] Made a perverted snowman
[ ] Done a split
[x] Picked flowers from other people's lawns
[x] Walked around in your underwear
[x] Been grounded
[x] Tripped on your feet
[ ] Checked under your bed before going to sleep
[x] Played on a sports team
[ ] Spent all day on the computer
[x] Worn black nail polish
[x] Forgotten a birthday of someone important
[ ] Had a conversation with yourself
[ ] Fallen asleep at school
[x] Lied to a doctor
[x] Been to a slumber party
[x] Had a pillow fight
[x] Lied about your age
[ ] Been called anorexic
[ ] Fainted
[x] Worn an article of clothing without realizing the tag was still on
[ ] Kicked someone 5 years younger than you
[ ] Cursed at a teacher
[x] Cried in front of a teacher
[x] Cursed at a parent
[ ] Done drugs
[x] Licked somebody
[ ] Called the police
[x] Made a prank call
[ ] Made yourself throw up
[ ] Thought you were going crazy
[ ] Doubted your sexuality
[x] Lied to a teacher
[ ] Tried to kill yourself
[x] Given the finger to a complete stranger
[x] Been to a concert
[x] Went to school in pajamas
[ ] Hurt an animal on purpose
[x] Broken something that was special to someone else because you were mad
[ ]Cheated on a test
[ ]Copied off of someone else's homework
[ ] Sworn at a little kid
[ ] Driven while you were drunk
[ ] Been in a car accident
[ ] Spit in someone's food
[x] Ran away from home
[x] Skinny-dipped
[ ] Held a real gun
[ ] Wished someone would die
[x] Been beaten up
[x] Beat someone else up
[ ] Wished someone would be raped
[x] Wondered what the world has come to
[] Had a crush on a teacher
[] Ate so much you got sick
[] Thrown a glass object so that it broke
[x] kissed someone you hardly knew
[ ] Broken a bone
[x] Bitten someone
[x] Worn a mini skirt
[ ] Made out with someone of the same sex
[ ] Eaten dog/cat food
[x] Stuck gum under a table
[x] Written on a desk at school
[x] Chewed a pencil
[ ] Spit on someone
[ ] Been spit on
[ ] Driven over your lawn
[ ] Told your crush you liked them
[x] Skipped class
[ ] Written on a cubicle in a public bathroom
[x] Stayed up all night
[x] Eaten a bag of cookies in a day
[ ] Been kicked out of a store
[ ] Put dog/cat food in someone's food
[ ] refused to pay someone back after you promised you would
[x] Read someone else's diary
[x] Sworn at an animal
[x] Tripped in public
[x] Walked into a pole
[x] Walked into a parked car
[x] Found someone much older than you very attractive
[ ] Stapled your finger
[ ] Laughed at someone who was seriously hurt
[x] Found a bug in your cereal
[x] Been so lazy you wouldn't get up to go to the bathroom
[x] Fell off the bed
[ ] Peed your pants at school
[ ] Almost drowned
[ ] Had a black eye
[x] Went rollerblading and crashed into a bush
[ ] Made fun of someone because they were fat
[x] Snuck out of the house
[ ] Dyed your hair
[x] Cut your own hair
[x] Been stung by a bee/wasp
[x] Climbed on a roof
[ ] Worn gothic make-up
[ ] Had a contact break in your eye
[ ] Had food poisoning
[ ] Had heat-stroke
[x] Bought an article of clothing and never wore it
[ ] Cut yourself on a blade
[ ] Fallen on glass
[x] Worn an article of clothing that was lime green
[ ] Eaten a bug
[x] Eaten something that fell on the ground
[ ] Eaten glue or paste
[ ] Been to a shrink
[X] Had surgery
[x] Needed braces
[x] Worn a bikini
[x] Failed a test
[ ] Failed a class
[x] Been teacher's pet
[ ] Been teacher's least favorite student
[x] Slow danced
[ ] Been afraid of the dark
[ ] Seriously thought of hurting someone else
[x] Had a cavity
(x] Told someone I loved them when I didn't
[x] Told someone I didn't love them when I did

So Far, In 2006, I Have...
[x] broken a promise.
[x] made a new friend.
[ ] fell in love.
[ ] fell out of love.
[x] done something you swore never to do.
[x] lied.
[ ] went behind your parents back.
[x] cried over a broken heart.
[x] disappointed someone close.
[x] hidden a secret.
[x] pretended to be happy.
[ ] got arrested.
[ ] kissed in the rain.
[ ] slept under the stars.
[x] gotten in a fight.
[ ] kept your New Year resolution.
[x] forgot your new years resolution.
[ ] met someone who changed your life.
[ ] met one of your idols.
[ ] changed your outlook on life.
[ ] sat home all day doing nothing.
[x] pretended to be sick.
x] left the country.
[ ] almost died.
[x] drank myself retarded.
[ ] lost someone close to you.
[x] been to the hospital.
[x] gotten closer to someone
[ ] streaked.
[x] cried over someone.
[x] broken up with a gf or bf?
[ ] given up something important to you.
[x] talked on the phone all night.
[ ] learned something new about yourself.
[ ] tried something you normally wouldnt try and liked it.
[ ] made a change in your life.
[x] found out who your true friends were.
[x] made a total fool of myself.
[ ] met great people
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