Okay, so I have been absent from Who fandom for a while. But I recently started a rewatch and I'm all nostalgic and thinking about picking up a story I had planned. But I'm not sure I'm ready to jump back into Whofic, so I want to test the waters.
So, I want prompts. Anything from timestamp fics (pick a fic of mine,
here and give me a timeframe - before, after, during - and I'll attempt to write you a scene/ficlet) to just random cracky or angsty or fluffy or smutty prompts.
Gen, Ten/Rose or Ten/Jack/Rose please.
Thank you!
ETA: Meant to say - stick with Ten-era please. Was never hugely confident with my Nine voice and much as I LOVE Eleven and wouldn't rule out writing fic with him, the story I want to sharpen my voices for has Ten. :)