May 27, 2006 01:15
change(chnj):To become different or undergo alteration
When and how does change occur? Where can you find it? Is it lurking back there, waiting, until the exact moment, when it jumps out and frightens you?
No. Change, to me, is gradual. Whether the change is good, or the change is bad, you can see it coming, see it forming. There is nothing surprising about change. Sometimes the effects of change will be surprising, not in an actual surprising like an "ah! you scared me" kind of way, but, still, surprising, to say the least.
Yeah, there is change that occurs quickly, but not surprisingly. Some times I wonder if people would react differently to change if they never knew it was coming. If one days things were normal and then bam! the next day they were changed would people really behave any differently that when they know about the change ahead of time? Do people ever really prepare for change? Or do they just deny it, pretending that they don't actually know about it, until then it's like a fake bam!. It's a previously bammed bam.
Change is everywhere. Change is in the clouds. Change is in movement. But is anybody really, truely concerned with the change in the clouds, with the exception of scientists and the occasional cloud gazer? No... that's not the change people talk about. That's not the life altering, mind blowing, unbelievable change that people talk about. So, what is then, where can this change be found?
This is the kind of change that I've experienced. Every year, every day, every hour that passes contains change. But how exactly does one go about learning about this change before it occurs? How do we prepare ourselves for what lies ahead? How do we know what we're supposed to do to be ready, what roads we should take, where will this lead us?
We make decisions based on the moment, we live in the now. We live before change, metaphorically numb to change. We do things based on what we think is right for the moment, what will work out in the long run but that may not necessarily be what's going to be good for us in the future.
But, realistically, how can we fuse these changes into our main plans if we're so numb to them that we can't see them coming? How can we alter our decisions to factor in change? How is it possible to break free, to see the change, to live within the change and accept it?
I'm not really sure where this was going, or if it really ever had a point but, as this year comes to a close, and I look back, so seemingly surprised at the changes that have happened, somewhere in the back of my mind, maybe, did I know they were coming? Did I ever know what to expect and didn't want to face it, so I blocked it out?
Could I have possibly known my fate before it fell upon me?
And when I look at where I am now, where I've come, where those around me have come or regressed, how did we get here? What events and changes brought us to where we are now? Was I too numb to reality to notice those things too?