Apr 23, 2008 19:38
I spent a short time today watching C-Span's coverage of congress. I sat enthralled at the utter childishness of the law makers of this country.
They spent a great deal of time pointing finger and blaming each other and their political parties for the current leap in gas prices.
When Dubya was elected gas was $1.28 a gallon, now it's $3.50 and the American people sit back and do nothing!
The news services skim over what should be a blaring announcement WE ARE BEING SCREWED FOR NO REASON OTHER THEN THE OIL COMPANIES GREED!
Oil companies made 4.3 billion in profits last quarter, and that is after paying their investors, share holders, paying their employees and them selves!
The Saudis pay a whopping 26 cents a gallon, but then they are sitting on the oil, and have built and keep building new refineries! The US hasn't built a new refinery in 30 years! It's the Government standard of putting a band aid on an arterial bleed!
Any solution the congress comes up with will be top heavy with pork, and wont be initiated for ten years!
And as the Romans learned, no well fed, well entertained populace will ever rebel!
So Britney Spears is at the top of the news and the oil companies screwing the American populace is buried!
Will Bilery or Osama Obama do anything to fix the problem....NOT A FUCKN CHANCE!
We need to bring up the old time hobby of tar and feathering!