Hey guys!!
Im in Texas everything is well I so brought the cold wheather with me tho!! so that sucks lol
to all the ppl that were in caberat congrats I'm sure you all did an awesome job sry I missed it Travis if your reading this I hope you did especially well I hope someone got you singing on camera I want to see it and Renee I know you did great!! I love you both
I just wanted to update real quick we are going to the Dallas art musuem in a sec so ill ttyl love you all!!
I thought this was cool it was on Pauls livejournal his is way cooler than mine but I still think its awesome!!
SmugglerPeople Iced:Thirty FiveCar Bombs Planted:NineteenFavorite WeaponPVC PipesArms Broken:FourEyes Gouged:Twenty OneTongues Cut Off:ThirteenBiggest Enemy:The Oaf
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