Aug 15, 2004 23:06
*Full name: Sara Marie Sandeen
*Birthday: 3-9-1989
*Zodiac sign: Pisces
*School: South high
*Color of hair: Brown
*Color of eyes: Brown
*Height: 5'5
*Had sex: Nope, not yet.
*Been in love: I don't think so.
*Been so drunk you blacked out: I've blacked out but not from being drunk.
*Gone out in public in your pajamas: Yup!
*Missed school because it was raining: Only if the school cancelled it. My mom would never let me miss school just because it's raining.
*Cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend: No. That would be evil.
*Kept a secret from everyone: Yup. Unlike other people.
*Actually thrown shoes onto a phone wire: Nah. But I like seeing 'em on the side of the road, it's funny.
*Set a body part on fire: Nope. Sadly, I think I am fire-retardent.
*Had an imaginary friend: I don't think so.
*Called or seen a psychic: Nope.
*Ever cried at a chick flick: Nope. I don't think I've ever cried at a movie. Yup, I'm cold hearted.
*Had a crush on a teacher: Nope.
*Done something stupid to impress your crush: Um... don't think so.
*What was it: Dumb question.
*Found a cartoon character attractive: Nope. Other than saying AWW! They're cute! But I never meant cute-attractive. LoL.
*Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the block tape: Nope.
*Watched Punky Brewster: Huh?
*Just stayed home: From school? Nope. My mom would know. She's just like that.
*Prank called someone: Yup. Tons of time. I like leaving messages that could get people in trouble. >:D
*Eaten a whole box of cookies and thought you were fat after: I don't think I've ever eaten a WHOLE box of cookies. I may have to try that some time.
*Been on stage: For band concerts, piano recitals, dance recitals, and spelling bees.
*Gotten in a car accident: Not a real one.
*Made homemade fudge: Too messy.
*Seen the Eiffel Tower: Do pictures count?
*Shampoo: I like trying all types.
*Gel or mousse: Don't use it, really. But I use skinny serum which is super cool.
*Soap: Dove or Caress body wash.
*Toothpaste: Crest, usually.
*Colors: My the colors in my bedspread.
*Bands: Toooo many.
*Type of sandwich: Tuna.
*Coffee or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate.
*Milk or chocolate milk: Chocolate milk.
*Cold or hot: Hot weather so I can swim but cold as in my room is cold at night. I can't sleep when it's hot in my room.
*Day or night: Anytime I'm out doing something with people.
*Here or there: Depends. Where is here and where is there?
*Red or blue: Blue.
*Jeans or cords: Depends. I love jeans but I bought the cutest pair of cords!
*Wool or cotton: Cotton in the summer, soft wool in the winter.
*Stripes or solid: Depends.
*New or old: Depends. New clothes but old sweatshirts.
*Cartoon: Daria.
*Villain: Malificent. Super cool evil lady.
*Wear eye shadow: Sometimes.
*Have a goldfish: Yes. A goldfish named Myrtle and a beta fish named Fish. (Yes, creative, right?)
*Have a dog: No, but if I did, it would be a welsh Corgi.
*Want a tattoo, and where: Nope. But I wouldn't mind a small one.
*Have a computer in your room: Nope, sadly.
*Have any regrets: I do if I'm depressed.
*Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: No.
*Crush: Would I tell you if I did?
*Do you have a best friend: Lots.
*Do you rank your speed dial in order of your favorites: Don't use my speed dial.
*Who's your funniest friend: They all have their moments.
*Who do you e-mail the most: Clark. He likes to get as much junk mail as he can. LoL!
*Who have you known the longest: Britney Whittaker. We were in kindergarten together!
*Whose parents do you know the best: Seth's, prolly.
*Who do you go to for advice: Zach or Drew or a lot of my female friends.
*Who do you get the most surveys from: Ashleah or Kerry.
*Who knows all your secrets?: Not many. Sarah or Krystyn, prolly.
*Who do you cry with: I try not to cry unless I'm alone, thanks.
*Cried: Almost.
*Cut your hair: Nope.
*Worn a bathing suit: Nope.
*Bought something: Ice cream.
*Been sarcastic: Yup.
*Gone for a walk: Nope.
*Said "I love you": I don't think so.
*Felt stupid: Yes.
*Met someone new: I don't think so.
*Written in a journal: This counts, right?
*Watched your favorite movie: I haven't watched a movie in the last 24 hours.
*God/Devil: Both.
*Yourself: Occasionally.
*Your friends: Not a good question to ask right now, thanks.
*Aliens: I don't know.
*Love: Sometimes.
*Destiny: Occasionally.
*Signs: Like, a guy giving a sign if he likes you or not? I suppose.
*The Closet Monster: Nope. My closet is the size of a fingernail. No monster could ever fit in there.
*One person for everyone?: Nope.
Section 1
Name: Sara
Age: 15
Sign: Pisces.
Schools you have gone to (in order): Church Nursery, Eastern Elementary, E. Russell Hicks, South High.
Which was your favorite? By choosing a favorite, I would indicate that I actually enjoyed going to one of the aforementioned schools and that simply wasn't possible.
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher. But then I realized I'd have to be smart to be a teacher. LoL.
Are you as cool as you thought you would be when you were little? I never thought I was cool. I've been a dork for as long as I can remember, LoL.
Are you happy with your life at present? It's livable, I suppose.
Section 2
What was your favorite class? Band or Spanish but I can't wait till I have psychology.
Why? Band used to be just awesome and Spanish had awesome people in it like Kerry and Clark.
Did you ever sleep in class? I'd drift off but I'd usually wake up.
Did you ever "break wind" in class? Nope. Ew but somebody did really loud once during HSA's.
Where did you like to sit? Actually, in the front of I don't pay attention.
In gym, were you picked last? *Shrugs.* We never really picked teams.
Did you ever play trivia games in class? In spanish and government.
What is your locker like? A little messy, fairly empty.
Section 3
When you were in Elementary School...
Did you think the opposite sex had "cooties"? Only if we were playing a game.
Did you make fun of the other children? Occasionally.
Did you eat paste? Ew, no, but Brent did.
If you are male, did you know what menstruation was? I'm a girly-whirly.
Did you get kissed by girls? Not in elementary school. In high school, only on the cheek as friends.
Did you get kissed by boys? LoL, once.
Did dogs kiss you? Huh?!
Did you kiss dogs? Only if I was playing. Like, "Who's a cute doggy?! *Kiss on the head.*"
What kind of shoes did you wear? Sneakers or sandals.
What was on your lunch box? In second grade, I had a Jasmine lunch box and Holly Healy had the same one. >:( After that, it was usually plain colors.
Did you bring toys to school? Occasionally. Like my koosh ball. I had the best koosh ball man, it was one of the soft ones that was blue and purple and it rocked.
Did you ever have show and tell? In nursery school.
Section 4
In Middle School....
Did you fit in? With my friends. Not with the popular crowd. But I didn't mind that. I had never fit in with the popular crows.
Did the other kids make fun of you? I'm sure.
Did you make fun of them? Of course!
Did you shower after gym? No, they wouldn't let us.
Did you eat the cafeteria food? Yes.
What was the worst cafeteria food you ever ate? Um... I dunno.
Did you have a crush on someone? Sure.
Did you ever get in a fight? A physical one? Nope.
What were your clothes like? They were just normal clothes, LoL.
What did the school look like? Old and crusty, LoL.
Did you have a bad hair cut? If it was messy it looked like it, LoL.
Section 5
In High School...
Did/Do you have a crush on some one? Yes. :(
What was your worst experience? The D thing.
What was your best experience? Um... making all my new super cool friends that I luv.
Did/do you think you knew everything? Course not.
Did/do you know more than your teachers? Only the stupid ones. LoL!
Did/do you shower after gym now? Nope. No time.
Did you go to the prom? Not old enough and wasn't asked.
Did you like it? ^^^^^
What do you regret the most about high school? Being shy.
Section 6
All inclusive
Who was your best teacher? Bob. Or Mrs. Weaver.
Who was your worst teacher? Joyce or Crouse.
Who was your best friend? Seth.
Who was your "worst enemy"? Lots.
What was your best subject? Band.
What was your worst subject? Bio.
What is your best memory of school? Marching band.
What is your worst memory of school? Second semester.
Say some thing and let the people know you've been well educated: One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.
Hehehe. LoL. Comments are welcome. Luv ya, Sara