Jan 15, 2010 19:46
I withdrew from my Business IT MBA class @ Morehead. It looked like it was the epitome of everything I hated about school: lots of busy work; vague open-ended questions that don't involve much critical thought; subject matter that really won't help me too much; only writing assignments, no tests.
With all the other things I wanted to do with my time this semester, I did not want to spend my remaining free time out of work doing this frustrating busy work. Instead I will now be helping Mandy with a project at the retreat center she works for from time to time. It's called "J-Walking". She could do a better job explaining it but the gist is: a small group of older high school aged kids get together ~twice a week to discuss/take part in social justice/equality related issues. Also, they try and make life conscious life changes as a group... I'm sure I could better explain it after being there at least once.
Other than that things are going great! I'm stepping Americana up to twice a week (M,W 5:30-8:30). Which is a little rough because I don't get off the bus @ my house until usually 5:05. I'm going to help teach basic computer skills for an hour and then help out with the adorable younger kids the other 2 hours. Oh yea, I need to start busting out French again. Also, I hardly ever feel like I have time to read the English books I want to so that may be the second thing to die.
So far Mandy and I have been to South East Christian and the Crescent Hill Universalist Unitarian church. I'm much more aligned with the Unitarians but honestly SEC wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I just think they could use their money for a greater good. I think when I start building a family I would want to go to the Unitarian church just so my kids would have a stable community outside school or home.
If anyone is interested in attending any of these services with us we'd love for you to come with us. Or if you have any great suggestions. We haven't decided where our next one will be.
Love you!