You mission for today should you choose to accept it...

Feb 25, 2006 12:27

Drill #1 (Pflug & Ochs)

1. Stand in right Pflug (left leg leading)
2. Move from right Pflug to left Pflug with a step forward (ie make a slope pace) so that right leg leads.
3. Move from left Pflug to right Ochs (left leg leads again)
4. Move from right Ochs to left Ochs (right leg leads)
5. Move from left Ochs to right Pflug.
6. Repeat 1-5 moving BACKWARDS rather than forwards.

Drill #2 (Vom Tag & Alber)

1. Start from right Vom Tag (sword at right shoulder, left leg leading).
2. Slope pace forward into left Alber.
3. Slope pace forward with left foot and bring sword into right Vom Tag (version with sword overhead).
4. Slope pace forward with right foot into left Alber again.
5. Turn 180 into left Vom Tag (shoulder version) with right leg leading.
6. Slope pace forward with left foot into right Alber.
7. Slope pace forward with right foot into left Vom Tag (overhead version)
8. Slope pace forward with left foot into right Alber.
9. Turn 180 again into right Vom Tag to start the cycle again.

Drill #3 (Four primary guards)

1. Start in right Vom Tag (shoulder).
2. Slope pace forward into left Ochs.
3. Slope pace forward into right Pflug.
4. Slope pace forward into left Alber.
5. Lift sword into left Vom Tag (shoulder) without a step.
6. Slope pace forward into right Alber.
7. Lift sword into right Ochs (no step).
8. Slope pace forward into left Pflug.
9. Slope pace to return to right Vom Tag.

Remember a RIGHT stance has the LEFT foot leading (and vice-versa).


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