they're probably just my wishful thinking or coincidences, you know. I'm just building a paper trail so that when she has kids, I have something to torture make her feel inadequate with :):):)
You really think so? I'm still doubtful, but who knows. She learns a lot from her older friend, I think - I've noticed the "gimme" hand gesture lately, too :) I don't get the whole idea of first children being more successful, because the seconds have someone pushing them along in terms of development so much.
I think Ali does a few things verbally that are typically expected of somewhat older kids: gaining new words, making up short sentences. Much probably depends on one's personal inclinations: some people are more verbal even as adults, others less so. As for older and younger kids, that's also personality-related, I suppose. I've met a family with three kids spaced about 18 months apart where the oldest spoke for all of them most of the time. The younger ones would make some indistinct noises and the older one would tell the parents what that meant. I read that more often than not parents show rather clear preference to older kids and care more about their achievement. That might be the source of their confidence and success.
Apparently such a preference is biologically motivated, and people are often unaware of its origin, if they are even aware of the preference itself. Kids pick up on it perfectly well, but instead of fighting it the younger kids typically form alliances with the older to get what they want from their parents.
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