Feb 15, 2011 20:55
Got a note and Ali's second K report card. The teacher said she writes very well, but has "her own pace". This pace, she said, is more or less OK in terms of schoolwork, but at other times, like cleaning up and getting ready for lunch, is much slower than would be ideal. So she said she is worried somewhat for her being able to do transitions in first grade. For example, they get a half-hour for lunch, and then the aides shove them out. She also said her own son did not eat lunch the first three days of school :)
She also made some suggestions, which we've already started using, like giving her a timer for a certain task. And today, I got attitude from Ali after lecturing her on the "hurry up" topic. "I Knoooooww-uh!" Meantime, the timer is going for her evening toilet routine, and she's dancing in her underwear. I think she doesn't have a clear path of actions in her head, like a plan of what needs to be done next. She'll get into the car and sit or squirm around, despite my having told her the bazillion proverbial times to buckle up, then fidget. Or she just gets distracted by the tiniest thoughts flying through her head, and cannot get back to the plan of action.
Other than that, she "meets expectations" on most items in the report card, even though verbally and in the note the teacher said she made great strides. Will ask how she is evaluated, and whether "exceeds expectations" is likely to be noticed at this point.
Oh, and the K class made each other friendship books, in which everyone wrote and drew about each of the other students. It's awesome to look at, and also is a good way to sneakily compare her to her peers. The writing really is one of the best, although she often mirror-images letters and numbers. I wonder if it's worse for her because she's left-handed.
mental development,
verbal development,