- The movie "Thanksgiving is the latest fan-kun Series Takumi!" - Cast Announcement
Starring: Kyosuke Hamao / Daisuke Watanabe / Ma Baba Makoto / director Yokoi Takeshi (common two performances)
Currently ※ 2011/3/23
Date: July 5, 2011 (Sat)
Venue: Laforet Museum Roppongi
12:30 12:00 1st opening curtain
16:15 Doors open 15:45 2nd curtain
※ Customers with a current ticket can be used to directly transfer performance.
If you wish a refund 4 / 1 (Fri) 4 / 13 (Wed) to
Ticket will be at the reception.
System is now being adjusted ※.
Inquiries about ticket refunds
Ticket Information
http://t.pia.jp/help/index.htmlCall 0570-02-9111
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