
May 29, 2020 18:26

Friends Only | Comments are Screened

and we can go anywhere.

'ello loveliesss~

EMILY (aka emiry, emu, emulai, em, wiener, whatever other names you come up with)
n. cheerful, flaily, abuses the use of caps and ♥'s, somewhat confused with her life, overthinks everything, has trouble making decisions, and a self-control level of -256486.
loves apples, brownies and M&M's with an unwavering passion

♫ 嵐, News, KAT-TUN, GReeeeN, flumpool, weaver, ikimonogakari, Mr. Children, Jay Chou, JJ Lin, Fahrenheit
♥ reading, crafting, sewing, photography, baking, photoshop

Theres nothing much in here except stuff about RL or obsessing over teh ghei :D
feel free to leave a comment and friend me :D as i'd like to make new friends ~

Contact Info:
MSN: pigz_that_fly@hotmail.com
Twitter: bubblymaddness
Last.fm: poumplemoose
Poupee Girl: emohlies
Tumblr: lovesolucky
Dreamwidth: happyjam


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