Random Stuff

Apr 19, 2009 14:46

First, Melissa shipped off to Korea yesterday. How crazy is that? She says she'll have internet, but GOSH that's so far away! Up until very recently, she wasn't sure where she was going to go, and then of course she gets shipped halfway around the world. I think she's excited though. She really enjoys traveling. It's just weird that she's there. And in the Army, but I've already gotten over that.

I've really been missing being abroad lately. It makes me really want to go out of the country. I think it's just nostalgia. I posted a ton of pictures from the Galapagos and Peru on facebook last night, and it made me miss it. A lot. Meh.

I for sure got that Internship with PBS, which is exciting. Although I'd really like to have a job. It's nice to have a plan of what I'm going to do! I also found a great job last night that I want to apply for. Which is good. That's a project for tomorrow night, after all my homework is done.

What else? Hmm...I finally did all my dishes this weekend. I still have some cleaning to do, but my room looks a lot better now, and I'm able to clean up after myself when I cook! Yay! I hope to do a lot of cooking today to get myself settled for the week. We'll see.

Now I'm just grasping at straws. Story of my life really. Today was the first day in about a year that I woke up feeling really well rested. I think it's because I did a work out yesterday, and spent this entire weekend relaxing and getting things done (like cleaning). So that meant less stress, and just a very low-key break from the week. Things get crazy again starting tomorrow. I have to read about 500 pages of reading for New Testament because I haven't read anything yet and we have an exam a week from tomorrow. I also have to work on my Hilberry presentation because that's in a few weeks, and next week is Katie's Shower. So much to do, so little time!

But for now, I'm just going to relax. Ready set go.
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