Dec 27, 2006 17:00
P to the issed.
When you come to my house RESPECT my things. There was some V8 juice on the floor next to the fridge. It was full last time I knew. BUT we looked at it today and it was only half full. Last time I checked I don't remember anyone ever asking if they could drink it. Just because we supply some drinks for our "get togethers" it doesn't mean that you can drink it without asking first. Not everything in the house belongs to all of us either. I would probably say yes if you asked. I wasn't going to drink the juice. It had mold & chunks in it b/c someone was stupid enough to drink it and not put it in the fridge. Hello. Its needs to be cold after opening. Duh. I'm usually very nice. RESPECT my room and my things. That applies to any and everyone. I wasn't mad that someone drank it. I was mad b/c it was expensive V8 & now we had to pour it out b/c someone was stupid. So if you come in our house respect our things. Please & fucking-thanks. I'm not supplying soft drinks anymore. So BringYourOwnBeverage. SO recap, Ask before you just take whatever in our (Me, Brent & Champy's) house. I'm not like really mad about it, it just irks me. or urks me. or irritates me....whatever.
I forgot what else I was going to type.
Maybe I'll remember later.