365 Cola

Dec 04, 2008 10:48

365 Cola

Here's another variety of Whole Foods 365 "All Natural" sodas. This one I had a bit more worries going into. Like I've said before, there aren't many non-big name colas out there that are worth drinking. Hell, even some of these pricey natural colas are less than worthwhile (see China Cola, Cricket Cola.) How'd this one pan out?

Pretty darn good actually! Nice sweetness. Good flavor. And, most importantly, none of that nasty cheap cola aftertaste. Also, it's about the first "natural" cola I've tasted that didn't have a prominent cinnamon flavor. Not that that's a bad thing, but it's nice to see that you can have a good "natural" cola without having to have it trying to imitate herbal tea!

Sweetened With: "pure cane sugar"

Verdict: Worth a case or two

365, natural, sugar sweetened, cola

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