Title; Bright Lights
Fandom; Twilight
Pairing/Character(s); Edward/Bella and the Cullen family
Rating; K
Word Count; 406
Spoilers; Post-Breaking Dawn
Summary; 4th if July drabble
A/N; Do vampires celebrate this holiday? lol
I'd always loved the 4th of July. There was just something about they way the sky would change colors, burst of bright lights painting the nights sky. This year was different from all the others. This year I lived in Forks, my father was around, I was married with a daughter, oh and I was a vampire. But even in my immortal state, I loved this holiday. It was better than Christmas for me. I smiled, watching my baby girl, Reneseme dance around the clearing, sparkler in hand, begging her Uncle Emmett to send more colors across the sky. Jake was close by, running behind her with his own sparkler. Jasper and Alice were off to the side, cuddling, Rosalie was reading a fashion magazine, and Charlie was talking to Carlisle about the hospital, while Esme sat and listened. Edward, my Edward, was helping Emmett with the fireworks that made our daughter giddy with joy.
I looked up at the sky, working through my dull human memories to remember the times I’d spent with Renee on this day, the family barbecue she would throw every year. I would always do most of the cooking, letting Renée take credit when someone complemented her on the potato salad. After it was all said and done, she and I would walk to the park near out neighborhood and watch the magic lights in the sky. It would always amaze me, the colorful patterns, the loud boom they made, and the whizzing sound when flying above. I loved everything about this day, not caring about all the ridiculous social activates Renée wanted me to do. It was all worth it in the end, to see the change in the sky.
I was happy. I was happy then, and I am now, more because of all the things I have, the people I have in my life.
“What are you thinking about, love?”, Edward asked me, his voice like soft velvet, whispering in my ear. His arms were around my waist, his lips below my ear. I showed him. All the human memories of me, smiling, amazed by the colors in the sky. I could feel him smiling behind me, laughing at the embarrassing things that would happen to me on that day.
“Momma! Momma! Look at the pretty colors”, Reneseme called out to me, pointing at the sky, her beautiful face lit with excitement. She danced around in the grass with Jake, their sparklers still in their hands.
“She's enjoying herself...”, Edward stated, pulling me closer to his chest. I melted into him, loving the feeling of him holding me. “...Just like you”.
“Momma!”. Reneseme leaped into my arms, touching my face. She was showing me all the things she did that day: the Independence day carnival Jake took her to, the dress Alice picked out for her to wear, the awe in Charlie's eyes when he saw her all dressed up, me brushing the soft ringlets in her hair, Edward setting up the firework machine with Emmett, and now. She showed me her smiling face as she and Jake danced around, amazed at the sky.
Her hand left my face and I smiled. She leaped from my arms and back to Jake, laughing when he twirled her around in the air. Glancing towards our daughter, I could see it in her eyes and in the vision she'd showed me, the amazement I'd felt when I was a human child.
“Just like me”, I whispered into the air, agreeing with Edward.