Aug 07, 2008 00:11
Eclipse Book Review-By me (Spoilers)
Book Story:
As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob -- knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: life or death. But which is which?
The Story was awesome and its well written by Stephanie. Still i dont think its the best. Twilight is still the best of all 3 books. Havent read Breaking Dawn yet so cant comment about the 4th book.
The Characters:
Bella Swan- I seriously hated her. She was so confusing and irritating. I didnt liked her in that one. I liked her in Twilight and New Moon..but in this one she was horrible. I just wanted to shoot her when she kissed Jacob and the whole time when she wanted to meet him. Didnt she always said she wants to spend every Moment with Edward? Whatever.I think she's not worth Edward in this one. Ahh she annoyed me like hell. She is kinda...greedy...i mean she has the perfect guy...PERFECT...then why she wants someone else? Arghh.
She literally made me cry when she was like "Jake kiss me".
It was weird, because when Bella actually kissed Jacob back it was like I didn't even know this girl who's story I had been following so intently over the years. It made me think, who the hell is Bella, really? And the whole time she said how much she loves Edward and how much she was hurt when he left and all...then how is she able to do something like this? I just dont understand her.
She was so different..and i felt so was a damn horrible feeling.
Anywayz she's not worth Edward at all.
Edward Cullen- I loved him like always! Im a huge Edward Lover! He is just perfect. The way he treats Bella, even when she kissed someone else. Even when she is in LOVE with someone else. I wish he shouted at her LOL! I were a bit mad at him, cuz he didnt punched Jacob! Hehe! I loved the bed scene between Bella and Edward. He is so perfect *sighh*
I actually hated it that he allowed Bella to go to Jacob....well i think he cant force her at all and if she would have visited Jake secretly.
I was supposed to feel all warm and fuzzy inside when Bella and Edward ended up together in the end but instead i just felt broken. I feel like Bella totally betrayed Edward to the third degree and i hated how he just took her back.
But overall Edward was awesome like always. Love love love him!!
Jacob Black- ARGHH! I were actually thinking about that who i want to kill more? Bella or Jake? LOL! Im not a fan of Jake.He was damn annoying..i hated the scene in the tent..he shud stay away.
It was just stupid to say that he's gonna kill himself just that she says kiss me...WTF?! Most stupid thing ever.The whole time with him n Bella was just wrong...ewww! And i dont think he's the soulmate of Bella at all. They dont suit each other. For me!Yea he was there for Bella as a friend in New Moon..but still...he knews that Bella loves Edward. Cant he understand this?I just liked him in New moon i started to dislike him. But in Eclipse...argh.
Overall Jake sucks.
Die Jacob die!
Alice Cullen- She was damn adorable.Haha! I've always loved her! She was happy she was that she was allowed to plan the Wedding and all! She's just damn cute!
Jasper Hale-He's great! I like him. His Story was interesting.
Emmet Cullen-LOL that guy is always great! He's hilarious.
Rosalie Hale- She's great! I like her in some ways dunt know why. Her Story was really interesting..even when she is damn bigheaded hehe!
Other Cullens- I dunt mind about them so much..they're ok!
Charlie- Pissed me off...cuz he's so mean to Edward. Ahh! But he's okay overall...he just wants to protect his daughter.
Victoria- Glad she's dead :P but she was cool.
Volturi- can go and die! LOL!
All the other characters are fine.
Fav Parts:
-The Bed scene
-Where Edward tells Alice to keeps Bella over the weekend just that she cant go to Jake secretly
-Where Jake pictures Bella in his toughts (how she was when Edward left her) and Edward hurted that so much.
-Where Edward and Jake talk about Bella in the tent.
-At the end where Edward wants to sleep with Bella.
-Where Edward says so Jake ' If u kiss her again then i will break ur jaw'
-Where Alice wants to plan the Wedding and all.
-All Edward parts
OVERALL- The book was amazing..even if i hated some parts.LOL! The book changed my mind about i will see if Breaking Dawn changes my mind about her again.
I would rate it 7.5/10!!
review! eclipse